Plant: Begonia boliviensis 玻利維亞秋海棠

I saw this Begonia boliviensis in the greenhouse at the Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanical Garden and fell in love with it. Elegant shape, silk-like petals, prominent but not too bright orange flowers with slender green leaves, isn’t it lovely?

Words of the Day

Psalm 9:11-12

Sing the praises of the Lord, 
enthroned in Zion;
proclaim among the nations what he has done.
For he who avenges blood remembers;
he does not ignore the cries of the afflicted.
詩篇 9:11-12



  • Begonia boliviensis is a species of tuberous begonia native to the cloud forests of the Andes in Bolivia and Argentina.
  • Genus name honors Michael Begon (1638-1710), Governor of French Canada. The specific epithet boliviensis means “of Bolivia”, in reference to the native range of this species.
  • It was exhibited for the first time at the International Horticultural Show in Paris, in May 1867, when it attracted much attention from both botanists and horticulturists.
  • It can be used in greenhouses, conservatories, containers, hanging baskets, window boxes.
  • 玻利維亞秋海棠是一種塊莖秋海棠,原產於玻利維亞和阿根廷安第斯山脈的雲霧林。
  • 屬名是為了紀念加拿大法屬加拿大總督 Michael Begon (1638-1710)。 種小名boliviensis 的意思是“玻利維亞的”,指的是它的原生地帶。
  • 它於 1867 年 5 月在巴黎的國際園藝展上首次展出,引起了植物學家和園藝家的大量關注。
  • 可用於溫室、花盆、吊籃、窗口花壇。


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